Be inspired to say “Why not?” more often than “Why?” to make the most of your next chapters.
Welcome to our first edition of Elevating Women Magazine, celebrating the power of finding your why.
The events over the last few years have caused many of us, both young and old, to reflect upon our purpose and the legacy we want to leave behind. We have also quickly adapted to an increasingly digital world in which opportunities to explore new ventures are less constrained by geographic barriers. These shifts, compounded by the fact that we are living longer, are challenging the traditional, outdated framework for women’s lives.
The old blueprint — you grow up, you meet Mr. Right, you have children and live happily ever after — might have been enough when we were expected to only live into our 40s; but today many of us are living well into our 80s, 90s and even 100s. Some of us (like me!) are in our early 50s when our last child heads off to college. Others “retire” before 60, or find ourselves forging a new path on our own. This creates opportunities to shift our focus, or perhaps even reinvent ourselves, around what we find most meaningful.
The mission of Elevating Women is to create a community, where women can share their stories, learn from each other and experts, and be inspired to take action. In this edition, we hear how two powerful women — Joan Rivers and Maria Shriver — did just that by betting on themselves and embracing new beginnings. Then, we share steps that will help set your financial life up for whatever new possibilities come your way.
We hope you leave inspired to say “Why not?” more often than “Why?” so you can explore new opportunities, learn, grow and make the most of your next chapters.
Steph Wagner Director of Women & Wealth, Northern Trust